使用From Builder for google sheets 從Excel產生google表單

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使用From Builder for google sheets 從Excel產生google表單

文章 dtchang » 2024-09-13, 23:52

Excel --> Google sheets -->From Builder for google sheets --> google form

1. google試算表, 擴充功能/安裝外掛 From Builder for google sheets
https://workspace.google.com/marketplac ... 2607242665

2. 製作符合特定格式的Excel表格
sno questions description types answer start answer end required other
1 Company Name Company Name TEXT TRUE
2 Company Logo Company Logo IMAGE https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?doma ... google.com TRUE
3 Section2 SECTION
4 No of Employees No of Employees MULTIPLE CHOICE <10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 TRUE TRUE
5 Comments Comments PARAGRAPH TRUE
6 Rating Rating SCALE 1,5,BAD,GOOD TRUE
3. 新增一個google sheet (右下,按十)
4. 開啟/上傳 excel 檔
5. 使用 擴充功能/From Builder for google sheets

From Builder for google sheets 使用方法
1. start
Choose a source sheet to build your Google Form --> 選取工作表 (可下拉)

Choose a type of Content Selection --> 選擇全部 Full 或指定儲存格開始和結束點的矩形區 Range --> 通常用 Full

Select a Pattern --> 選擇樣式:
Questions: 只有題目
Questions and Answers: 題目和答案 (作答功能)(調查表常用樣式)
Quiz: 考試題 (含評分/計分的功能)

Range includes header --> 打勾代表工作表含有標題 --> 打勾可自動設定各欄位的屬性
There are 7 automatic mapping field found. Do automatic mapping now? YES 使用自動設定; NO 否

代碼: 選擇全部

Question at column* B  #題目在B欄
Image at column ?
Type at column D #型態在D欄
Description at column C #說明在D欄
Answer starts at column* E #作答選項從E欄開始
Answer ends at column* H #作答選項從H欄結束
Required at column I #必答?的選項在I欄
Add other at column J
設定好, 按 GET

Create or choose a Google Form to which fields/questions to be imported.
按 Create 新建表單; Choose則選擇原有表單
輸入google form名稱(或用預設) --> 打勾 確認

Import Now 亮,即可按此以執行匯入
成功後即可按 Open It Now 開啟表單
FormBuilderExample.jpg (59.29 KiB) 已瀏覽 15 次
